posted Apr 29, 2020, 10:44 AM
Dear Members,
Skaters are invited to take part in live online training sessions.
We will be offering sessions Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Off-ice classes will include a mix of fitness, jump technique, flexibility and education.
You will receive a link to a Zoom meeting once registration is confirmed.
The link will work for each class from April 29 to July 31, 2020 (Use the same link every week)
Each class will be 50-60 minutes in length.
Register online by clicking 'Register' next to the class you would like to attend.
RisingSTAR / STAR Classes
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:00PM
Monday STAR - 5:00PM Register
Wednesday STAR - 5:00PM Register
Friday STAR - 5:00PM Register
SR STAR Classes
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6:00PM
Monday SR STAR - 6:00PM Register
Wednesday SR STAR - 6:00PM Register
Friday SR STAR - 6:00PM Register
Skaters are required to have access to the internet, video camera, running shoes, exercise attire, water, and enough space to perform exercises and jumps.