posted Sep 30, 2017, 6:01 PM
All sessions are cancelled on Saturday Oct 7 and Monday Oct 9 for Thanksgiving. Enjoy the long weekend with family and friends!
posted Sep 19, 2017, 11:17 AM
K.I.S. (Keswick Invitational Skate) will be held in Keswick on Nov 24-26. The first competition for many of our STARSkaters is now open for registration. Competitions can be fun, exciting and nervewracking all at the same time, but are not mandatory. Please speak with your coach first to confirm which categories to enter before registering. The link for online information and registration is now available here. You will need your skater's Skate Canada number to register. This can be found when you log in to your account at Log in and click on My account, click on My skaters and choose your skater. There you will find their Skate Canada #.
The registration deadline is Wed Oct 11 @ 10pm. Please don't wait until the last minute to register, as some categories will fill up quickly. If you have any questions, please speak with your private coach.
posted Sep 7, 2017, 10:59 PM
Dear WTSC Families,
we are excited to see you at the rink this week for the first class of our Fall Session. Here are a few details to ensure the first day runs smoothly.
-When you enter the arena lobby, you will pick up your skater's name tag from the table. Skaters without a name tag will not be permitted on the ice. Please see Tanja in the office if your name tag is not there. The coaches will collect the name tags at the end of the each class.
-Pre-CanSkate will be on the small ice to the left.
-Pre-CanSkate/CanSkate (Mon & Wed 5:30 class) will be on the small ice to the left.
-CanSkate, Advanced CanSkate and Adult CanSkate will be on the large ice to the right. Please wait at the door of the rink until the coaches let the skaters on the ice.
-All skaters must wear a CSA approved hockey helmet (Ski/bike/winter helmets are not permitted). The mask/cage is optional but highly recommended, especially for new skaters. Skaters with out a CSA approved helmet will not be permitted to go on the ice for insurance reasons.
-Either figure skates or hockey skates can be worn, but we do not offer rentals. You must bring your own.
-Don't forget to wear mitts or gloves. We do sell mini gloves for $2 in the office if you forget yours.
-Layering clothing is best to keep warm and also still allow for flexibility and movement.
The first 1-3 weeks can appear to look chaotic on the ice, as our coaches are assessing skaters and getting them into groups based on their skill level. There may be some juggling around for the first few weeks until the groups are finalized. In addition to our Skate Canada certified coaches, we also have our Program Assisstants on the ice. These are our older figure skaters who help the coaches where needed.
If you have any further questions you can speak with our Coordinators (Natalie-small ice & Cristina-big ice), or Tanja in the office.
We hope everyone has a great time on the ice this week!
posted Sep 4, 2017, 3:03 PM
Dear Pre-CanSkate Families,
Welcome to all our new and returning CanSkate families. We are very busy planning for the fall sessions beginning Saturday September 9. In order to make the first week as easy as possible for skaters and coaches, we will once again offer assessments to all skaters NEW to WTSC who have the ability to skate forwards. (If you have skated with us in the past, there is no need to attend, we have your CanSkate levels on file.) The assessment is very short, usually less than 5 minutes on the ice.
This allows us to evaluate skaters and determine if they have the skills to enter our CanSkate, Advanced CanSkate or PowerSkate programs. If your child is brand new to skating and/or is still "shuffling along" there is no need to attend this assessment. Pre-CanSkate will be the correct fit for your skater. Skaters must be registered, confirmed and paid for one of our fall Pre-CanSkate sessions in order to attend the assessment on Wed. Sept 6 @ 6:15-7:00pm. Skaters must wear a CSA approved hockey helmet, skates (figure or hockey skates) and mitts/gloves. We do not have skates/helmets available (we do have gloves for sale in the office for $2/pair). Bike, Ski and newly marketed "Winter Sport" helmets are not permitted.
Please RSVP via email or phone message to confirm your assessment spot. If you cannot come to this timeslot, your child will be assessed on the first day of their regular session. Attending the assessment is not mandatory, however it does assists us in placing skaters into the correct groupings prior to the first day, and opens up spaces for others from the waitlist.
On the first day of your skater's regular session, you will find a table in the lobby. Collect your skater's name tag and pin/clip it to their jacket. These will be collected by their coach at the end of every lesson, and be ready on the table for pickup each following week. Reminder that although the temperatures outside are warm and summery, they will need warm clothing on the ice. Jeans are not recommended, however rain pants/splash pants for the warmer days are suitable. Warm jackets or fleece sweaters and MITTS/GLOVES are extremely important. It's hard to have fun on the ice when you're too cold.
We still have a few spots left in our programs, share it with a friend and come together to enjoy Canada's favourite pasttime! We look forward to welcoming your skater to your club!